Friday, August 3, 2012

It Was Faith!!

So our story is a little complicated as a marriage and only a select few know the whole story and we will keep it that way, unless you ask, I might tell you.

My life as a Navy Doctor's Wife begin this way.......

I had gotten order to Mayport, FL on the USS O'Banoon DD987. It was a smaller ship on the Navy's side. I went to go visit it when I was on House Hunting Leave (something the Navy does for you to get a house in place either when you get there or before you get there) My mom was lucky enough to fly down to help me look for the right place. I was younger and a little nervous but it worked.  I meet the HM3 guy....didn't think twice but he was nice enough to show me around. A few months later, I finally came on board the ship. The ship was on a deployment and had a blast making new friends (shipmates for life) and seeing some really cool places. We came home around Thanksgiving time after being gone for 6 or so months. I invited quite a few people over to have dinner. It was fun and cool to be together when we couldn't go to our own families. But this is what the military does. You take care of each other. 

Then two of my good friends M and K, invited me over for Christmas Eve for dinner. One of their roommates happen to be the HM3 that showed me around the ship. We "knew" of each other and had some friends that were common (like his roommates). We talked here and there as I went back over to their house a few times after that. He left to go to home on leave, then when he came back, it was interesting. M his roommate knew what was happening, as we both kept asking him about each other. M was good for not telling us about it. Then he finally asked me out and our first date was a huge disaster to say the least. I had some extra's at dinner. He took me to Rock Bottom Brewery in Jacksonville, FL. I had veggie lasagna and to say the least it didn't agree with me and ended up puking. (Nice, right?) I would have ran far away. He was a gentleman and made sure I was okay and left. (I think part of it was because it was his job) 

So we started dating, then moved in and then typical Navy fashion, he transferred all in a short but long period of time. Being on a ship, you tend to leave port more than staying in. He was in Great Lakes, IL and I was in Mayport, FL getting ready to go on another deployment. Yay!! Not.... We dealt with being separated for 7 1/2 months or so, and finally we were together again.

Being a couple on the ship was difficult at times. It was looked down upon, so we tried our hardest to make sure we didn't depend on each other. Doc good/best friend R also helped out. Some good friends knew we were together, most didn't care, some really didn't pay attention or just didn't know.

In Great Lakes Doc asked me to marry him. I of course said yes, after being together for over a year (half being separated on top of it). We got married, at here is the tricky part on how we celebrate it but it works for us and it's our way of doing it. If you know then it's great, if you know me and want to know, ask and I might tell. 

We had goals set in our mind of what we were going to do. Doc was an HM2 and I was a YN3. We had decided that he was going to get out to go to school full-time. We knew we could do this. Doc got out and finished his undergraduate degree. Then the big decision of going to medical school. He applied, got accepted, and the Navy was going to pay for it. Win, Win. I made YN2 and got out almost two years in Medical School. We kept our head up and our determination of our goal. 

So Doc went from being the ship's HM "Doc" to being LT Navy Medical Doctor - and started a new chapter in our life. One that I am proud to be a part of. 

So 11 years later we are still married and still in the Navy to keep going on this journey of our life. Four kids to be so proud of and a life that can be frustrating but so worth it. It takes work but then again what doesn't take work. I love him deeply, he is my best friend who over the last 11 years, watch us both grow in so many ways. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

OMG - What a week!

What a week it had been. Last Sunday we finally made it too church. It was good to be back where it feels comfortable. My own mom is here with us until she can move into her own apartment. Church was offering Vacation Bible School (VBS). I decided to sign Buddy and Little Bit up since they were old enough and asked if Bubba could help out for the week. Little man was not old enough but next year he gets to go.

It was good for all of them to get out of the house and be on a schedule. They got to be around kids their own age and have fun. Little Bit took a nap almost everyday this week. :) They were all excited each day as they told us what had happened. They would go on and on. It made my heart smile and glad they got to go.

Buddy did his chess club at the library again this week. He was happy to go and even came close to winning a game. He played with same kid from last week. Bubba got to go to special affect class Saturday. She came out looking like her hand got shot. It was weird but cool at the same time. She was happy she got to go and signed up for next week.

Driving home on our street we saw two girl around the kids age selling nuts. The kids went down to go buy some and introduced themselves. I don't know if it will go anywhere but they are all steps closer of getting to know others.

The kids were super excited to go a friends birthday party this weekend. They are friends from our last duty station and we are lucky we are so close.

This week has been super busy but so much fun. We are getting to see our community a little more each week. As we go to church Sunday, maybe one of the new "kids" from VBS will be there. Little do they know that they are starting to make friends. I can''t say it will be friends that we do things with, but knowing people where we go is just as important. I am excited to see what this coming week has in store for us.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Week!!! :0)

Oh what a happy week. We accomplished a lot! I think that everyone ended up being happy (even mom)! This week started of interesting. I ended up in the ER Sunday because of strep throat and when mom is out that's not good. Especially when dad is working 80 hours a week! The kids thought it was pretty hilarious that mom got a shot in the butt but it was worth it. I was almost normal by Monday morning!! 

Tuesday we ended up being late to "library" art for the kids. The younger two had a blast and did really good. The older two had fun too (they will tell you differently but I know them well enough to know the difference). Then we ended up doing errands which was not so fun but they did fine. We got a fan for the house and they love playing with it. I have to tell the younger one it's not a toy. 

Wesd. was a big day - Grandma was coming in town. (The kids were more excited then I was but that's the name of the game.)  We went out to pizza hut for dinner! That is always a treat for them.

Thursday we did exotic animal day at the library. They all had a blast! They got to see a snake, a honey bear, and a few other cool animals. They all got to pet the snake. (EWE!)  Here is hoping to getting the Zoo season pass soon! I think it's something they will enjoy.

Friday - was business in the morning. We got hay for the horses, went to the farmer market in downtown area on Main Street - We got to try Avocado Oil (we bought a bottle), Fresh Lemonade, Fresh Strawberries, Bread, and Lettuce. My kids love this kind of thing. Bubba bought a hat for herself which is fun. Then it was time to go to the library for Buddy to do his chess time. So overall it was a success!

So my theme for the week is the library for my kids. It seems to be the best outlet for us. The "other" moms know each other so it may be hard to get to know them but my kids had fun and that is all that matters. It's the right step in the right direction. We get dad home tonight and all day tomorrow so happy dance for us. 

This is our life story for the moment........

Monday, July 9, 2012

Yes the Three Others

Yes I know that there are three others I need to worry about. I am hoping that maybe going to library twice a week (hoping) will do the trick. I am not sure if I can commit to two times a week but we shall see. The only problem that I see with the library thing is Little Bit and Big Guy will have fun but the grumpy 10 year old boy Buddy will have an issue with it because it will not be fun.  I believe that Buddy said he could do chest which he has asked to do, so I guess that will be what I look into for him. I also think that I will be doing swimming for them on base for the last swim session. Only time will tell, which seems to be my theme. Oh the joys of a military family. 

This is when I was witty enough to start thinking about doing a fallbrookmom like Katie Walker did for Yuma with the help of Molly Blake. There always seems to be so many questions when you move, what do I do with my kids, where are there groups, what is free, where are the parks, what does the town offer, ect.... Maybe that will be my next step. 

Saturday Blues to Happiness

So the follow up from this last Saturday. It had it's good and definitely had it bumps. I will go over the little bumps on why I choose to do what I did. 

Saturday morning comes - Andy doesn't have work after 14+ days since Monday. Yeah - we finally got our DLA and went to get some food for the house. Always need that - :) Bubba said she would stay home with Little Bit so we wouldn't need the truck plus both of them love watching Heartland. Favorite TV show for the moment. Plus I think sisterly bonding is important and doesn't not happen right at the moment because Bubba is 14 and Little Bit is only 6. I can't force the issue, right? We get done with shopping and bought Bubba her shirt.

That afternoon it's about 1:30 and we are eating lunch with the boys and dad. I do not eat because I am really sick and not feeling good. Here comes the bad spot. I am putting grocery away as Bubba is getting ready to go. We don't have a huge amount. Next I hear Bubba throwing a huge fit because she can't find her green converse. I guess in her 14 year old mind it made sense to throw a huge temper tantrum (Yes even 14 year old tend to have them). She is screaming, crying, and multiple other things that are not worth mentioning. Her dad is really angry with her and to say the least these two seem to butt head more often then I like to admit. So 1:30 turns to 1:50 and if we don't leave soon then we will be late. Dad comes out to me to ask with Bubba if she deserve to go. My first response would be "No". We don't allow any of children to act out like that and get what they want. But I knew this was different and I was not going to let this little hiccup affect what I was trying to do. I had to get a little mean with her (another thing that breaks my heart) and tell her that I don't like her attitude but I feel she needs this. 

We are going to be late (Story of my life) and she is still pretty upset but understands that shoes are not that important. Her dad cleans a pair of flats for her and her thank you to him was "Thanks Dad, these shoes are stupid and don't match my outfit, now I am going to look even more stupid!" Have to love 14 year old logic. She grabs her shirt and we hit the road. We are about 15 minutes late but we are finally there. She wants me to go in with her, so I walk her to the room where the meeting is. She want me to walk her in the room, but I told her no. I told Bubba she was a big and she could do this. She did. She text us while she was in. Asked us what she could print and what was okay. She sent a picture of what she would like to put on her shirt. 

She text us to come and pick her up. You could tell she was happy (the happy that I miss seeing on her face). She was giddy, told us what they did. She wanted to make sure we thought her shirt was okay. Bubba explained to all of us why she used black ink vs. a different color ink. We were full of questions and she answered them the best she could. It was cool to see expression. She didn't meet a ton of people, it seemed a lot of them were younger. She did meet one boy that will be going to here H.S. this fall and is her age. He even told her that he thought she was cute. (I should be mad that he said that after the first time, but I couldn't agree more), I think it made her day. We asked if she want to go next week. She somewhat hesitated but I think we are going to encourage her to go again. She just doesn't like the "topic" It's about Joan of Arc. We told her she should go because she was an important women in history. We shall see. :) 

So yes, the temper tantrum should not have allowed her to go, but sometimes as a parent you have to overlook the little thing when you know it will benefit your child in the end. I am glad that she had fun and hoping that she will continue want to go. Maybe if she keeps going, they will she that she is a regular and friendships will develop. I know once schools starts, she will be fine but that's not until the end of August. 

Here is to her story continuing on her journey.......

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Move -

My kids have been military kids since the day they have been born. I have always loved it and got excited to move. I thought they felt the same way. A new place, a new city, getting to explore what we will like or dislike. Well for the first time, my oldest has not enjoyed it. It took me awhile to figure it out. We have only been to our new place since June 9th so not that long. Her attitude has been out of control and just snotty. Some would argue that is what "teenagers" are going to do. Not my teenager - We will call her Bubba - She is fun, loving and a really good girl. She has her moments of snotty but not what everyone kept telling me it was going to be like. Enough of that one because we could go on and on.

It just seemed liked Bubba was starting fights with everyone - It didn't matter what we did, especially with her dad and I. We were yelling at her more often and telling her she needed adjust this attitude of hers. We had gone out the night before and she wanted to stay home. This just didn't seem natural for Bubba to want to do that. She even said, she wanted to watch her younger brother. What??? Then the very next day we were on the mission to try to find some new furniture for the house. This is when it finally hit me.

We go to the first store - everything is fine. Bubba is a little short and getting a little snotty. It's not even 10 AM, I was thinking in my head "Wow, this is going to be a very long long day". We were in there for a couple of hours. We go to the next store - she kindly takes the young one to the car. The third store she just sits in the truck. I finally asked "What is going on?" What am I going to do if I can't figure what is wrong. There is something your not telling me. Are you mad at us? What is wrong? Her tears just started flowing. I didn't want to move. I don't have any friends here. I don't like it here. I had to step back because she had been so excited to move. It was California. She had been talking about it for so long. I had to really think where it went from being excited to darn right miserable for her.

In Yuma, she had her friends, one that she had gone to mall and movies with, getting her own independence. Now we were moving again to having nothing. Talk about feeling guilty. I started to think if this is truly the right choice for our family. She is starting high school, and I am not sure how I would feel about moving every couple of years to start fresh again and again. Especially if I was getting older. High school is hard enough but to move without really knowing anyone, I can't imagine what it would be like. Then I had to start thinking about what can I do for her? To make this easier for her. I have three other kids to worry about but she kind of seems like the odd man out because she is so much older then the other three. They play together and have their regular sibling fights but that's it. Everything is so expensive and trying to figure out what I need to do so she has someone to talk to or do things with.

We were looking at things to do. I told her to "like" her High School on facebook. Then we were reading that the library does "teen" things on Saturday. It seems perfect and hopefully this Saturday, we can drop her off and Bubba might make some new friends. It seems to be one step in the right direction. Only time will tell. I wonder how many other moms go through the same thing and what they do to fix it.

I hope Saturday is a great success and she finds some friends. Only time will tell.